by Sarah Dale

At all points before, during and after your adjustment, it is essential to be fully informed of what y need for proper chiropractic care in terms of positioning and movement. We are happy to provide the following information to ensure you receive the safest and most effective care.
Before Your Adjustment:
To receive and hold a good adjustment, your spine must be at rest before and during the adjustment.
Before every adjustment, we advise that you lie on the adjusting table face down with your arms resting on the arm-rests or hanging to the floor. This will rest your spinal muscles and fan out the vertebrae so they may be adjusted easily.
During Your Adjustment:
During your adjustment, your spine and skeleton should be in a resting, neutral position.
Do not cross or bend your legs during the adjustment, unless your doctor specifically asks you to do so.
After Your Adjustment:
After your adjustment you should get up from the adjusting table by rising from your side.
Do not “sit up” or “straddle” the bench, as these movements can destabilize the joints of the pelvis. (Note: getting up from your side is the healthiest and safest way to rise from any horizontal position).
Do not rub, probe or poke the area after your doctor adjusts.