
CCC Reopens – Top Concerns  

Chiropractic And Osteopathy
February 18, 2020
Upper Crossed Syndrome
June 2, 2020
CCC reopens

We trust this note finds you and your family healthy and safe. We have not had the chance to communicate with you for a while, so we wanted to update you on the status of our clinic. 

As you probably know, Chiropractors across the province were mandated by the government and our regulatory body to reduce our care to emergency/urgent care only. 

We have been successfully following this mandate for the past several weeks and are happy to announce that effective May 27, 2020 


We are beyond excited by this and look forward to welcoming you and your family back into our office for care. 

Safety Protocol 

It is important to us that we ensure you are safe and protected from any risk associated with acquiring this virus or any other for that matter. To that end we wanted to review with you the safety and sanitary standards we have adopted at our clinic.

  1. All surfaces that will be touched by human hands are scrubbed down with government-approved disinfectant before and after each shift and before and after each patient. This includes door handles to closed doors, chairs, reception desk, point of sale terminal, adjusting tables, testing equipment and therapeutic equipment to name the most common ones. We have a checklist that is followed before and after each patient to ensure we do not miss a thing. 
  2. You are required to cleanse your hands upon entering the premise with the hand sanitizer we will provide. We advise you to do the same when you leave. 
  3. You are required to let us know in advance of your visit to the office if you are not feeling well or have a fever. We will ask you to postpone your visit to the office until your symptoms have abated.
  4. The Doctor will be cleansing his/her hands between each patient visit to ensure there is no transmission of infectious agents.
  5. The Doctor and team will be wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as per our regulatory body’s requirement. 
  6. Safe physical distancing protocols will be maintained at all times between the patients and staff while in the office. 
  7. Our appointment system has undergone some transformations in order to keep you safe. We will be booking patient visits at a frequency that minimizes the possibility that more people will be in the office at once than can safely maintain physical distance protocols. We ask for your cooperation and patience with us as we work out the new booking system. It is important to contact us by phone if you arrive early for an appointment to ensure appropriate physical distancing. If we get running behind for anyreasonwe will do our best to contact you and advise you of an appropriate time to come later in the day or the following day.  
  8. If at any time during your visit with us you feel uncomfortable or unsafe PLEASE communicate that to one of the team members or to the Doctor,and we will do everything in our power to resolve it and help you feel safe or rebook your appointment. 
  9. We will be allowing essential visitors in our office only. Please, if you do not require a visitor to be with you for safety reasons, we ask that you come to your visit alone.You and your family’s health are our primary concern. A properly functioning spinal and nerve system is key to regaining and maintaining good health, and we are more committed than ever to provide this health enhancing care once again to you and your family. We look forward to welcoming you back soon. Please call the office to get your next appointment booked soon.  


Drs. Sarah Dale, Todd Small and Team

Ps. We will have to limit our handshakes and hugs to virtual versions for now, but please know that we are doing it in our minds and hearts each, and every time we see you.